Friday, April 27, 2007

Overused Brain

Is there an effective way to rest the mind? Rest in such a way that I will be free from the hundred-thoughts-a-minute that run through my tired yet still very active brain.

As one OPM goes, "It doesnt matter where I am... Thoughts of you still linger in my mind, no matter what time of day..." I am not gonna continue with the stanza as my thoughts are not really focused on one person I am in love with ( not that I am not in love), but with anything and everything under the sun.

My brain activity is a barrage of thoughts varying from visions of my mansion, to plans for an outing, to fantasizing the new job for Jay, to computing budget for moving out, and though I dont like it, to names of the schedulers I transact with running through my mind as well.


I am now reminded of an experiment I learned in Psych, Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST). It is a form of sensory deprivation wherein the volunteer is submerged in an isolation tank with salty water at skin temperature and is lightless and soundproof. Its aim is to deny the mind of any sensory stimuli and in effect cause relaxation.

I wonder if that will work for me. Will my mind be able to rest if I hear, see or feel nothing? I actually have doubts. Besides, even if it will be able to help me, where would I get that isolation tank? TSk Tsk. I am back to not having any solutions to my plight.

As the famous line of The Mask goes, please:

"Somebody stop me!"

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