Tuesday, February 13, 2007

New Passions

I am so happy! I am developing a lot of new passions right now, and it has become a source additional color and excitement in my life.Haha. Before, it has only been Jay and the kids, but its not really healthy right?
So this year, I started with photography. Right now, I am still learning, at times I get frustrated, but in general, taking pictures gives me much pleasure. And then, there is this blog. I started out early last year, but after a few posts, lost interest. It is a good thing that this year, I was able to revive it. And look! I could say that I have posted a lot and have paid much attention to writing and expressing myself. I love it when I blog. Sometimes I wish I actually write better, but, who cares?! And now, my most recent addition, BRAIN TEASERS! My Math teacher in high school was actualy the one who introduced my liking to brain teasers. Everyday, she would post a teaser on the board that we all have to answer by the next day. I love it when I get to solve them, or even if I dont get to, I love thinking of the answer. Ever since, I really try hard in answering teasers that are thrown at me, and I love throwing them back to my husband as well.Now, so that I would have a compilation of my favorite brain teasers, and so that I would be able to share it to people, I created another blog that contains brain teasers. Maybe someday I would create an actual site, but for now, I'm blogging it first.If you are interested and wants to try solving some of the brain teasers, you can visit www.geniusatwork.multiply.com

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