After years of separation, I met Jay again. I remember how he looked, how he acted... I remember what I felt seeing him again... My mom and I were sitting on the grass by the river and He was walking towards us, wearing a white shirt wih a left chest pocket. I remember how at the end of the day, the pocket would already be torn.I remember I kept on looking at him that day. He had, has I would actually say, a certain aura that makes you look and stare. He has a magnet within, a certain charisma that attracts you...
I wanted to say hi,I wanted to talk to him, but I did not know how to. We were friends before, but after 6 years, how am I to greet him? Besides, my emotions were all wierd that time so I was not confident enough... Sometimes he would also look at me, although most probably not with the same feelings that I was having. I could remember him looking directly at me, with that special look he has that makes you feel he could see right through you, a look that would melt you. His is the kind of persona who may not speak much, yet is able to say a lot. Although honestly, I did not know what he was trying to say. Maybe hello, or maybe nothing at all...
They were teasing him that day, trying to pair him up with someone, and at the back of my head I was thinking, "Why are you pairing him up with her, why not me?!"..And then I remembered why not... Because we were just friends before... And it made me think, Gosh.. I really like this guy. Actually, I should have known that the moment I saw him. The moment my heart skipped a beat and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. Well, thinking again, I have known that way back. I have liked him the moment I met him in 1997.
The whole day, I was very nervous, not knowing what to say or do. But one thing I know is that I wanted him to approach me, to talk to me, and to actually see me the way I see him. Not as the young girl he was friends with 6 years before, but a young lady capable of loving.
I prayed, waited, anticipated...At the end of the day, he actually did approach me. He actually talked to me. I was walking my dog and he actually walked beside me and chatted. I cant remember the words he spoke, but I remember what I felt. I was giddy, excited and hopeful... Gosh, my prayer worked. I still did not know at that time whether he sees me as a "young lady capable of loving", but I know at that moment, it could be a start of something beautiful.
And indeed it was.
I wanted to say hi,I wanted to talk to him, but I did not know how to. We were friends before, but after 6 years, how am I to greet him? Besides, my emotions were all wierd that time so I was not confident enough... Sometimes he would also look at me, although most probably not with the same feelings that I was having. I could remember him looking directly at me, with that special look he has that makes you feel he could see right through you, a look that would melt you. His is the kind of persona who may not speak much, yet is able to say a lot. Although honestly, I did not know what he was trying to say. Maybe hello, or maybe nothing at all...
They were teasing him that day, trying to pair him up with someone, and at the back of my head I was thinking, "Why are you pairing him up with her, why not me?!"..And then I remembered why not... Because we were just friends before... And it made me think, Gosh.. I really like this guy. Actually, I should have known that the moment I saw him. The moment my heart skipped a beat and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. Well, thinking again, I have known that way back. I have liked him the moment I met him in 1997.
The whole day, I was very nervous, not knowing what to say or do. But one thing I know is that I wanted him to approach me, to talk to me, and to actually see me the way I see him. Not as the young girl he was friends with 6 years before, but a young lady capable of loving.
I prayed, waited, anticipated...At the end of the day, he actually did approach me. He actually talked to me. I was walking my dog and he actually walked beside me and chatted. I cant remember the words he spoke, but I remember what I felt. I was giddy, excited and hopeful... Gosh, my prayer worked. I still did not know at that time whether he sees me as a "young lady capable of loving", but I know at that moment, it could be a start of something beautiful.
And indeed it was.

*5 years after*
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