Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Thoughts running through my mind right now:

1. I love my job. Thank you Lord, for leading me to this.
2. I have a happy life. Not perfect, but a life I would not trade with anyone my age I know. And what I have I wish for my friends. Lots of Love, joy and fulfillment.
3. I want to be loved by at least 10 people around me the way millions love Cory. Of course, I know that I have to try to be somehow like her to achieve this. And it is very difficult. I have not known myself to be saint-like.
4. Willie Revillame is abusing the love and fame that the Filipino mass is bestowing on him. Better straighten up his act, or all that he is enjoying will soon disappear. Bye bye luxuries.
5. Husbands and wives SHOULD really sleep and wake up together, every night/day if possible. It's the only way marriage SHOULD be lived. I'm gonna miss Jay when he goes back to his regular work schedule. Aaaargh.
6. I'm doing a shortcut with my blog - but bear with me, next time maybe I'll have something longer. Someting more profound. :)

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