Watched this movie last night, and it sure tore my heart apart. The movie is about the genocide that took place in Rwanda in 1994 and unless yours is a heart of stone, you would truly be moved by the immensity of the cruelty there was that time.
This film made me wonder how people could be so evil. I know there are certain people who may be different from the rest and sometimes they do bad things, but we are talking about a whole race here. Not even just a group like the terrorists that we have now, but hundreds of Hutu people believing themselves to be superior than the Tutsis. And there more than just a hundred deaths, not even thousands. We are talking about 800,000 lives lost in a period of just 100 days.
Worse is that this is not an isolated event. We have way too many examples of the cruelty that there is in the hearts of men. In the Sierra Leone Civil War in 1991 tens of thousands civilian people were amputated & killed. And the perpetrators? Not only men, but boys as well. The Srebenica Massacre in 1995 killed 8000 innocent men in Bosnia simply to eliminate Muslim men. In the 1930's, Stalin's Great Purge killed more than a million to eliminate all of the opposition from power. And of course, we have the classic example of the evil of man: The Holocaust... Where about 6 million, count that, 6 million Jews were killed.
Why?! How is it possible for people to do that kind of evil?!!!
Give me an answer and I will most probably still not be able to believe...
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